Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon 75192 Kit (7541 pcs)
Includes 4 classic crew minifigures: Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia and C-3PO.
Also includes 3 Episode VII/VIII crew minifigures: Older Han Solo, Rey and Finn.
Figures include a BB-8 droid, 2 buildable Porgs and a buildable Mynock.
Exterior features include intricately detailed and removable hull panels, a lowering boarding ramp, concealed blaster cannon, 4-minifigure cockpit with detachable canopy, interchangeable round/rectangular sensor dishes, upper and lower quad laser cannons, and 7 landing legs.
Main hold features a seating area, Dejarik holographic game, combat remote training helmet, engineering station with turning minifigure seat and a doorway build with passageway decoration.
Rear compartment features the engine room with hyperdrive and console, 2 doorways, hidden floor compartment, 2 escape pod hatches, engineering console and an access ladder to the gunnery station.
Gunnery station features a minifigure gunner’s seat and detachable hull panel with fully rotating quad laser cannon. An additional quad laser cannon is also mounted on the underside.
This model includes 7,500 pieces.